Mapping Your Future: Tip of the Week


Mapping Your Future Newsletter: Tip of the Week
Mapping Your Future

Tip of the Week

February 15, 2023

Something to chew on

When I talk about financial aid at the dinner table, the response is usually some stifled yawns and throat clearing while one family member picks at their food, searching for a way to change the subject.

It's understandable. Most people don't want to talk about financial aid for college until they need it. By that time, they usually have a lot to learn in a short amount of time.

As a financial aid professional, you have a big job. Not only are you implementing complicated financial aid programs at your school, but you also have to ensure that students, who may never have heard of financial aid until recently, understand the process, the rules, and, in some cases, the regulations.

One key to overcoming this challenge and communicating successfully is knowing your students. Learn as much as you can about your students. Look at previous research, talk to them, conduct surveys, or review other internal data to find out who they are, what interests them, and how they like to communicate. Then develop messages meaningful to your students and deliver those messages in a way those students are likely to receive them.

Although financial aid may not be great family dinner conversation, there are receptive audiences out there. When you reach that audience – that's when financial aid makes for some palatable conversation.

Happy Financial Aid Awareness Month

– By Catherine Mueller



Mapping Your Future


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